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Friends of Machimoodus & Sunrise State Parks
Leesville Road, Moodus, CT 06469
Two beautiful state parks, located adjacent to each other in Moodus, CT
Machimoodus State Park 128 Leesville Rd
Sunrise State Park 121 Leesville Rd
The Friends of Machimoodus & Sunrise State Parks officially formed in late 2015 with the goal of advocating for these two beautiful open spaces. The inception process was long and arduous but well worth it.
Since becoming an officially recognized non-profit organization, we have worked closely with our parks supervisor to help maintain and promote our parks. We have successfully advocated for the establishment of kayak and canoe access and have coordinated an Eagle Scout project which installed new trail markers and signage.
Currently, we are focusing the efforts of our small but dedicated group on redoing the old garden beds and promoting the parks through speakers and other activities. We have been honored to be a part of the holiday celebration held at Gilletteʼs Castle for the last two years.
Contact us - we’re always happy to hear from you! Reach out to us if you have concerns about the parks. Contact us about events you would like to see us host. Let us know what park activities you enjoy. We welcome you to share your pictures and adventures with us! We are on Instagram and Twitter.
For a list of upcoming events, please check our Facebook page.