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Friends of MachSun Newsletter!


We have created a newsletter that keeps you informed about the Machimoodus and Sunrise State Parks. Subscribe to get this sent to you as soon as they are published!

Ring in the new year with a First Day Hike!

2021 is the year that many people made Machimoodus and Sunrise State Parks their destination for outings with family, exercise, and exploring the natural wonders that can found in these open spaces. Read about all the progress your support made possible.

New poster created and published to alert equestrians about what plants are toxic if ingested by horses, trail courtesy sign created, invasive species clean up and campout in Sunrise Park with the Connecticut Trail Rides Association and we’re excited to have “broken ground” on Ginger’s Garden this summer!

We are marking the transition from spring to summer with our annual participation in Connecticut Trails Day on Saturday, June 5, 2021. The Friends of MachSun have a couple of outdoor activities that are welcome to regular and new visitors to the parks to join in.

The events are held in collaboration with the Connecticut Forest & Park Association and pre-registration is required. Pre-registration for both of the events closes on Friday, June 4 at 9 p.m. Open the newsletter to read about the events and pre-register.

The Friends of MachSun plan to have a table following the parking lot at Machimoodus State Park near Ginger's Garden. We look forward to seeing visitors to the parks!

Spring has arrived and we could not be more excited! We hope the parks will be one of your springtime destinations to get some fresh air, exercise and connect with friends. The Friends of Machimoodus & Sunrise State Parks (Friends of MachSun) are hard at work preparing a series of interactive events for regular and new visitors to the parks. Read about upcoming events, an update on Ginger's Garden, and more!

Happy new year! Read about current happenings, including an update for Ginger's Garden.



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Friends of Machimoodus & Sunrise State Parks

P.O Box 23

Hadlyme, CT 06439-0023

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    The Friends of Machimoodus & Sunrise State Parks is a group of volunteers dedicated to the preservation, protection and perpetuation of these two beautiful ecologically and recreationally important open spaces. We strive to help maintain these parks and enhance the opportunities for all to enjoy.

    © 2023 by Friends of Machimoodus & Sunrise State Parks

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